Picturing the Natural World
Hawaii: the Big Island
Shown here is a picture of Rainbow Falls which is located near the town of Hilo on the east side of the Big Island. All of the remaining pictures were taken along the south and southeast coast of the Big Island in an area known as the Puna district. The black sand beach of Kehena, pictured in three photos, was formed by lava flowing into the ocean (from the volcano Kilauea) and then exploding into small particles back onto shore, thus creating the black sand. Pods of spinner dolphins are often sighted not too far offshore from Kehena Beach. Shown in the picture of a sunset is a steam plume from Lava flowing into the Ocean. In the foreground of this picture is lava that has solidified and has begun to support some small plant life after many years , this picture was taken in Kalapana. The picture of a road, (the Red Road ), by the coast, is a scenic route that runs several miles along the southeast portion of the Big Island. The east side of the Big Island receives high amounts of rainfall as opposed to the west side of the Island or Kona side, which is desert-like in areas. More pictures to come in the future of the Garden Isle.

During my two visits to Thailand of two and ten months I traveled extensively around the country, in particular northern Thailand where I visited several Hilltribe villages in the countryside and in the city of Chaing Mai visiting some of the many Buddhist temples around the city. The villages of the Karen, Lahu, and Lisu Tribes that I visited are located in extreme northwest Thailand in the Mae Hongson province near the border of Burma. Due to a lack of roads to the villages, access was made by hiking for up to three days on trails through the jungle. The Hilltribe people I visited were living a traditional lifestyle dating back hundreds of years—in harmony with nature and their environment. Using local materials, they construct their houses from bamboo, which is woven for the walls and flooring—and for the roof, thatch is tied together, which is made from native grasses. Inside each house, there is a circular fire pit built of stones and a flap in the roof to vent the smoke. The Hilltribe people grow large quantities of rice (a staple of their diet), plus a variety of vegetables, primarily by way of hand cultivation with the occasional use of water buffalo. They weave their clothing using a handloom. Their possessions consist primarily of what is required for day to day living, lacking in material goods by most Western standards, but having an abundance of spiritual wealth. The Hilltribe people of northern Thailand migrated from Tibet and China over two hundred years ago. The Buddhist temples around the city of Chiang Mai date back five to six hundred years ago. Very ornate craftsmanship and brilliant colors were used in the construction of these temples, which are numerous throughout Thailand. Thailand is a peaceful country, the population there is about eighty percent Buddhist. More pictures to come in the future.
Costa Rica
Costa Rica
The images presented here, (with the exception of the picture showing two horses which were taken next to Lake Arenal in the mountainous north), were taken in the extreme southwest of Costa Rica on the Osa peninsula near the border of Panama in Corcovado National Park - a virgin rainforest which National Geographic has referred to as the most Bio intense place on Earth due to the myriad variety of flora and fauna that are present there. To reach this location required a two and a half hour ride, (to travel twenty-four miles), in a transport truck through the jungle and then hiking two miles along the Pacific Ocean shoreline to reach the trailhead into the National park. Occupants of the park include Scarlet Macaws, Spider and Mantled Howler Monkeys, Giant Blue Morpho Butterflies, and Jaguars. Photographs taken in Oct. and Nov. 2012. More pictures to come. I

Northern California
Northern California
At left is an image of the Mendocino Co. coast, one hundred and fifty miles north of San Francisco. Also in the gallery are pictures that were taken along the Big Sur Coast which is located to the south of San Francisco. More pictures will be posted.
The Emerald Isle , land of ancient Castles , long abandoned stone Cottages , mysterious valleys and forests , a centuries old musical tradition that is still very much alive, and the elusive Leprechaun. The Slieve League Cliffs in Donegal Co. at 600 meters are among the tallest sea cliffs in Europe. Traditional Irish musicians are known to play up along the Cliffs of Moher in Co. Clare which at their highest point in the north are 214 Meters. It has been reported that one unfortunate Piper who became so engrossed in his music, (or perhaps gail force winds were the cause - which are not uncommon there), that he tumbled off the edge of one of the cliffs. The Newgrange Monument located in Co. Meath is a Passage Tomb with an inner chamber that aligns with the Winter solstice. Built around 3200 BC, it is older than Stonehenge and the Pyramids. The pictures of the Trad. Music session were taken in Donegal Co., out in the country in a small Tavern tucked away in the hills. My impression of Irish society is one of peace, tranquility and a strong sense of community. Protecting the environment is a high priority there also. Photographs taken in Sept. , Oct. 2022 and late May , June '23

Scotlands original name was Caledonia which translated to Land of Trees because Scotland was in the past covered in forest as was the case in England and Ireland , but this has not taken away any of the beauty of the land and seascapes of all three of these places.
The pictures of England located in the gallery were taken in late May and early June of 2023.

Here and There
Here and There